5M+ Players on Discord Game

5M+ Players on Discord Game

Tabish Ahmed
Tabish Ahmed

June 3, 2024

🚀 Surpassing 5 Million Players in 14 Days!

We did many firsts! While many more games will break our accomplishments in the coming months, we can say we are the first to run an AI game with complete game loop at scale 🥳

We successfully launched an AI game on Discord (opens in a new tab) that exceeded our wildest expectations within weeks. The distribution on Discord was phenomenal - a 200M user base. Were we prepared? Yes, from Playroom infrastructure standpoint. But on the AI front? That’s a different story.

In just a few weeks, we crossed 5 million unique users (to be exact 6.9M), averaging 400,000 Daily active users (DAUs) across platforms. At peak, we handled over 1000s AI requests per second. Imagine 1,000 open game rooms, rooms with 4 players to even 10 players interacting with AI every second simultaneously.

Without enterprise deals for CCUs or rate limits, we had to implement a marvel of engineering. Within a few hours, while the game was already live, we scaled our AI backend. This meant moving from a single AI model and provider to a more robust setup that uses both external and internal hosted models. Now, our system also routes AI requests through a pipeline to avoid player prompt injection, merge multiple player inputs into parallel requests, generate both text and voice content, reformat it as needed, and deliver it back to users in seconds.

Currently, we generate over 1 billion tokens(characters) per day, and over 1 million hours of gameplay have been logged in just weeks. This success is thanks to Playroom (opens in a new tab) team and external partners - ElevenLabs (opens in a new tab), Replicate (opens in a new tab), Vercel (opens in a new tab) and Cloudflare (opens in a new tab) who jumped to offer their support when we needed help.