Cocos Creator

Using Playroom with Cocos Creator

Cocos Creator (opens in a new tab) is a 2D/3D game engine that supports JavaScript and TypeScript. You can use Playroom with Cocos Creator to build multiplayer games.


Follow these steps to import Playroom into your project.

  • Create a new project in Cocos Creator.

  • In your project, create a new web template by clicking on Project > Create Build Template > Web Mobile:

  • This will create a build-templates/web-mobile/index.ejs file in your project.

  • Open the index.ejs file and add the following script tag under the <body> tag to include Playroom.

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Like this:

+  <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <div id="GameDiv" cc_exact_fit_screen="true">
      <div id="Cocos3dGameContainer">
        <canvas id="GameCanvas" oncontextmenu="event.preventDefault()" tabindex="99"></canvas>
  <%- include(cocosTemplate, {}) %>
  • Now you can start using Playroom in your Cocos Creator scripts like this:
const Playroom = window.Playroom;
export class MyScript extends Component {
    async start() {       
        await Playroom.insertCoin({
            // any options here
  • You need to build using the template you added Playroom to. Click Project > Build and then click New Build Task and make sure to select the right template under Platform option:

TypeScript Support

If you want Playroom types to be available in your TypeScript project, you can download the types.d.ts file from Playroom package (opens in a new tab) into your project folder (like under assets/scripts/playroom.d.ts) and then use it in your TypeScript files like this:

import * as PlayroomType from './playroom.d.ts';
const Playroom: typeof PlayroomType = window.Playroom;

Using with Discord

If you are using Discord mode in Playroom, be sure to copy the multiplayer.full.umd.js (opens in a new tab) file to your local web template directory right alongside your index.ejs file and include it in your index.ejs file like this:

+  <script src="./multiplayer.full.umd.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <div id="GameDiv" cc_exact_fit_screen="true">
      <div id="Cocos3dGameContainer">
        <canvas id="GameCanvas" oncontextmenu="event.preventDefault()" tabindex="99"></canvas>
  <%- include(cocosTemplate, {}) %>

This is needed because Discord doesn't let you access third-party domains (like from inside the Discord activity iframe.