Multiplayer Experience with Stream Mode

If your game involves players using their phones as controllers while looking at a shared screen (e.g. Jackbox games), you can use Stream Mode to create such multiplayer experiences.

Stream Mode is ideal for party games, team-building games, Twitch streamer style games, and more.

Getting started

The main difference here is that you need to make Stream screen and the Controller screen and show the appropriate screen.

When you pass streamMode: true to Playroom's insertCoin. Playroom automatically detects if it's running on a larger screen or a phone screen. If it's running on a larger screen, it will show the instructions to join the room. If it's running on a phone screen, it will let player pick their name and color.

Once the host launches the game, the control is handed over to your game where you can use the isStreamScreen() helper function to detect what screen you're on and show the appropriate screen.


Do the multiplayer steps

As described here.

Show separate screens for Stream and Controller

You can use the isStreamScreen() helper function to detect what screen you're on and show the appropriate screen.

import { isStreamScreen } from 'playroomkit';
if (isStreamScreen()) {
  // Show the Stream screen
} else {
  // Show the Controller screen

Insert Coin!

When you call insertCoin, pass streamMode: true to it.

import { insertCoin } from 'playroomkit';
await insertCoin({ streamMode: true });